Author: Nick Ouellette

Podcaster / Guest Contributor: Nicolas or, as his friends like to call him, Dr Nick has a PhD in physics as well as an unhealthy obsession with video games. He won the 2006 Nininger Award for his work in astrophysics and hates vegetarians as a general rule.
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Contributor Picks: Labour

Happy Labour Day! To celebrate hard work across the globe, our contributors give their labour-themed recommendations, touching on a wide range of jobs, from…

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Contributor Picks: Puppets

Entertainment comes in all sizes, and sometimes with strings attached! To commemorate the success of the eighth Muppets theatrical feature, The Muppets: Most Wanted…

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Contributor Picks: Gods Among Us

What with the Norse god of mischief tearing New York asunder last year and his brother, the god of thunder, now saving London from…

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Posted in Expository Dialogue

Expository Dialogue: Scary Stuff and Scarier Game Adaptations

The final episode of Expository Dialogue! In Phil’s continued absence, Nick and Dimitri explain why they’re moving on from the series and then bring you

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Contributor Picks: Comeback

In fiction, nothing ever truly goes away. As the nostalgic wheel reaches another thirty-year rotation, old classics are dusted off, franchises get rebooted, and…

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Posted in Expository Dialogue

Expository Dialogue: Dinobots, X-Force, TV Adaptations, and Hardware

In this episode, Phil, Nick, and Dimitri discuss the possible inclusion of the Dinobots in Transformers: Age of Extinction, the upcoming X-Force movie, and every thriller of our

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Posted in Expository Dialogue

Expository Dialogue: Bat Affleck, Kickstarter, Diablo, and Apple Censorship

Everybody, please give a warm welcome to the newest member of the idiomanic crew: Phil Rostaing! In our first ever news-themed podcast, he, Nick, and Dimitri discuss the new face

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Contributor Picks: Ass-Kicking

In the eternal words of Red Foreman, “You are about to read a book that my foot wrote. It’s called On the Road to…

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Contributor Picks: Giant Robots

If you were to look up the definition of “awesome” in the dictionary, you’d find a picture of Optimus Prime punching Megatron in his…

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Contributor Picks: Zombies

Despite the trailers’ arduous efforts to hide the central premise of World War Z (2013), anyone who’s so much as glanced at the cover…

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