Don’t F with the Original: The Amityville Horror

© Copyright MGM Studios
© Copyright MGM Studios

Stretching the definition of “based on a true story”! Though the movie keeps getting delayed, Nick and Dimitri gear up for The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes (2014) by reviewing the thriller that started the twelve-instalment franchise: Stuart Rosenberg’s The Amityville Horror (1979). Then they list the title of every entry in the series for a lark. If you’re curious about The Legend of Hercules (2014), don’t worry: we’ll have an episode about the son of Zeus later this month. Come back next time as we discuss The Hunt for Red October (1990).

  • 00:00     Introduction
  • 00:42     The Amityville Horror (1979)
  • 17:02     Spoilers for The Amityville Horror
  • 23:49     Fun with Titles

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Editor in Chief / Movie Critic: When he started this site, Dimitri never thought he'd be writing blurbs about himself in the third person. In his other life, he works as a writer, translator, and editor for various publications in print and online. His motto is, "Have pen, will travel."