Kenzo World Set to Fatboy Slim’s Weapon of Choice

As tribute to his classic music video with Christopher Walken, here is Spike Jonze’s Kenzo World commercial set to the beat of Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice”! I know this is a bit off brand for this channel, but I’ve been honing my editing skills on new software, and if you knew how much I love dance (and pretty dresses), you’d know this makes perfect sense for me.

As an aside, I still don’t know what a TikTok is, so please click here to like me on Facebook.

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Editor in Chief / Movie Critic: When he started this site, Dimitri never thought he'd be writing blurbs about himself in the third person. In his other life, he works as a writer, translator, and editor for various publications in print and online. His motto is, "Have pen, will travel."