- Roundtable 1: Catching Up to 2015
- Roundtable 2: The Success of Jurassic World
- Roundtable 3: Aborted Movie Franchises
- Roundtable 4: The Soft Reboot
- Roundtable 5: Hollywood Versus the Gaming Market
- Roundtable 6: Looking Back at Marvel Phase Two
- Roundtable 7: Another Nightmare Remake?!
- Roundtable 8: In Defense of Fantastic Four
- Roundtable 9: HBO Versus Sesame Street
- Roundtable 10: Ronda Rousey Versus the Jock in Distress
- Roundtable 11: The Death of Home Video
- Roundtable 12: Star Wars Expectations
- Roundtable 13: Castlevania Versus Grown-Up Animation
- Roundtable 14: Looking Back at the Alien Franchise
- Roundtable 38: Civil War and Other Marvel Kerfuffles
- Roundtable 39: Frozen in Outrage
- Roundtable 40: A Michael for the Modern World
- Roundtable 41: Comics Apocalypse
- Roundtable 42: Blue People Fighting
- Roundtable 43: Meet the Voorhees
- Roundtable 44: Part Two Be or Not Part Two Be
- Roundtable 45: Severe Iron Proficiency
- Roundtable 46: How I Met Your Wonder Woman
- Roundtable 47: Batman V Superman Ultimate Confusion
- Roundtable 48: In Defense of Ghostbusters
- Roundtable 49: Where Many Have Gone Before
- Roundtable 65: There Can Only Be a Bunch
- Roundtable 66: Snowbirds of Prey
- Roundtable 67: To Envision an Invasion
- Roundtable 68: Escape from the Monster Barbie Hunters
- Roundtable 69: Rogue One, Home Team Zero
- Roundtable 70: Best Movies of 2016
- Roundtable 71: The Commercial Origins of Harley Quinn
- Roundtable 72: Because the Inhumans Suck
- Roundtable 73: Top Five Coming of Age Stories
- Roundtable 74: Looking Back at the Resident Evil Series
- Roundtable 75: Return of the Monster of the Week
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