Roundtable 38: Civil War and Other Marvel Kerfuffles


Marvel Versus Asians! With Marvel once again breaking records this weekend, Eric and Dimitri review the studio’s latest blockbuster Captain America: Civil War (2016) while Chris gives us an update on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Also, Dimitri clarifies his thoughts about Batman V Superman (2016) and introduces a new segment on the show: Trigger Alert! Come back next time as we discuss the DC television universe.

  • 00:00     Introduction
  • 00:38     Show and Tell: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
  • 02:31     Show and Tell: Star Wars Bloodline
  • 03:27     News: Infinity War Parts 1 and 2 Will Change Their Titles
  • 08:21     Some Clarifications about Batman V Superman
  • 10:23     Captain America: Civil War
  • 24:37     Trigger Alert: Doctor Strange Versus Asians
  • 28:30     Trigger Alert: Ghost in the Shell Versus Asians

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Author: Frank Pominville
Podcaster / Guest Contributor: Known as the Funky Chicken, Frank has been on the Internet since 1996. When he isn't rambling on our podcast, the cyber-librarian tames electrons for his municipal book repository. He is brought to you by the letter Q and the number three.