Tag: Paranormal Activity
Posted in Top Three
Top Three: Memorable Marketing Strategies
The art of selling you stuff you don’t need! In this episode, Nick and Dimitri discuss how the advertising industry has adapted to modern technology. Then they each list
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Some of you may recall that the original Paranormal Activity (2007) left me somewhat underwhelmed. Still, I can’t help but admire how the bigwigs…
Posted in Don't F with the Original
Don’t F with the Original: Paranormal Activity
Happy New Year! To commemorate the theatrical release of Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014), the sixth entry in the popular horror franchise, Nick and Dimitri review
Paranormal Activity (2007)
I don’t understand the success of Paranormal Activity, which has officially replaced the Saw flicks as the Halloween franchise to beat. Admittedly, it’s turned…
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