Tag: Sequel
Posted in Top Three
Top Three: Underrated Sequels
In part two of their conversation on Hollywood sequels, Nick and Dimitri discuss the mechanics of a cinematic follow-up. Then they each list their top three underrated
Posted in Top Three
Top Three: Overrated Sequels
In part one of our conversation on sequels, Nick and Dimitri briefly discuss the mechanics of the cinematic follow-up. Then they list their respective top three overrated movie sequels, by which we mean
Posted in Don't F with the Original
Don’t F with the Original: Sequels
Celebrating Hollywood’s chronic lack of imagination! In this episode, Nick and Dimitri discuss the mechanics and history of the movie sequel. Then they go through
Posted in DE Podcast
DE Podcast: Mail Bagged
A trip into the warped minds of our listeners! In this episode, Chris, Eric, Frank, and Dimitri answer your questions, revealing what happened to Kazim and how they all met, sharing their thoughts on
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