Tag: Transformers

Posted in Expository Dialogue

Expository Dialogue: Dinobots, X-Force, TV Adaptations, and Hardware

In this episode, Phil, Nick, and Dimitri discuss the possible inclusion of the Dinobots in Transformers: Age of Extinction, the upcoming X-Force movie, and every thriller of our

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Posted in Don't F with the Original

Don’t F with the Original: The Transformers

To commemorate (but not celebrate) the theatrical release of Michael Bay’s Transformers 4, Nicolas and Dimitri review the original

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Posted in Contributor Picks

Contributor Picks: Space Travel

With J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek into Darkness (2013) coming to theatres this week, our contributors thought now would be a good time to tackle…

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Posted in Movie Review Verdict: 1.0

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)

Some motion pictures challenge their viewers. Others comfort them. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen does neither, assaulting the audience with its empty characterisation, raucous…

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