Tag: V
Top Three: Awful TV Show Remakes
Celebrating the television medium’s inability to reproduce what it’s already done once before! In a thematic crossover with our sister podcast series, Don’t F— with the Original, Nick and Dimitri each
V 1.04: It’s Only the Beginning
The final episode prior to an extended hiatus, “It’s Only the Beginning” isn’t meant to further the season arc (which it does) so much…
V 1.03: A Bright New Day
With their two-part introduction out of the way, the show runners give us a taste of what a typical V episode ought to be…
V 1.02: There Is No Normal Anymore
As with many network television shows, the second episode of V works much like a supplementary pilot, but the writers avoid the usual redundancies…
V 1.01: Pilot
I admit it’s an odd thing for me to review the V pilot so long after ABC cancelled the series. On the one hand,…
V 2.10: Mother’s Day
End of the line, folks. Even if, by some blue energy miracle, V were to get renewed, it stands to reason season three will bear little resemblance
V 2.09: Devil in a Blue Dress
Oh, all right, Lisa, I’ll stick around for the finale. Actually, I’m impressed at how well the V Powers That Be are tying the loose threads introduced by various creative teams, turning the Visitors’ inconsistent behaviour
V 2.08: Uneasy Lies the Head
Like Gambit of the X-Men and his flashy but convoluted mutant powers, V relies on kinetic energy to get by. As long as the story’s moving and making large objects explode
V 2.07: Birth Pangs
Welcome to Bizarro V, in which the human storyline turns out a hoot, whereas the Visitor sequences keep putting me to sleep. No, seriously
V 2.06: Siege
How neat was “Siege”? I finally see what the V Powers That Be were going for. We all knew the conflict between la Résistance and la Résistance terroriste would end with our heroes
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